
Upcoming event : 28/04/2016- Show Me The Money with Soilbuild

In the next Show Me The Money on 28th April 2016, Financial PR has invited Soilbuild Business Space REIT’s CEO, Mr Roy Teo Seng Wah. He will be sharing with investors on the future plans and discover the potential investment in the company.

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Program Schedule:

Time Event
19:00 to 19:30 Registration
19:30 to 20:00 Stock Market Updates by Guest Speaker
20:00 to 21:15 Company Presentation by SoilbuildCEO Mr Roy Teo Seng Wah
21:15 to 21:30 Q&A Session
21:30 to 22:00 Refreshment and Networking Session
22:00 Auditorium Closed

Kindly proceed to the link below and register your interest:

Please RSVP by close of business day 1700 hours, 25th April 2016

For more information on directions to the venue, please refer to : LOCATE US

We hope to see you at the event!